
Expect compatibility preserved for

  • dracut command line options

  • kernel command line options

  • dracut module names

  • dracut module interface

Do not expect compatibility preserved for

  • undocumented filenames and function names for dracut module implementations

  • very old dependent binary versions (including udev and systemd)

Changes impacting compatibility are explained in commit messages and in the NEWS file.

When possible dracut will follow a depreciation process, whereby for one releases (and one releases only) dracut will preserve compatibility to allow for migration.

The compatibility promise is primary towards end users and not towards Linux distributions packaging dracut. Distribution packaging will need changes time-to-time between dracut releases (e.g. as files gets added and removed).


Dependencies for the generated initramfs:

  • glibc or musl

  • shell (bash, dash, busybox). Some features are only supported with bash.

  • udev or eudev

  • systemd is an optional (not required) dependency

Minimal versions of important dependencies in test containers

udev/systemd (debian 12)


linux-kernel (debian 12)


bash (debian 12)


eudev (alpine/void)


busybox (alpine)


qemu (debian 12)
